Geodeck 001 |

Geodeck 001 - Slide  0

(title slide)

Geodeck 001

March 2023 - October 2023

A custom cyberdeck build by Kash Lingat.

Geodeck 001 - Slide  1

(section 1)

First Prototype

A cyberdeck prortype patched together with tape and cardboard.

'Tape it till you make it!'

Watching how to set up a RPI.

There are lines for vents painted in sharpie on the cardboard.

Test out a volume control made from a lego wheel part that Sean found on the ground.

Tried a keyboard with a built-in trackpad but it was terrible quality and broke.

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(section 2)

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(section 3)

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(section 4)

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(section 5)

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(section 6)

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(section 7)

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(section 8)

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(section 9)

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(section 10)

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(section 11)
